Overall score
8.7 /10
1 reviewsOverall score
8.7 /10
1 reviewsOveral score
8.7 /10
1 reviewsThe enthusiasm and quality of the teachers, in combination with a good and nice programme are the basics for a successful Summer Camp! EngelsvoorBengels | 14-06-2017
ProEnglish offers a wide program with various activities for all ages to improve the English language. *Engels voor Bengels: the part of our company that is specialized in supporting children up to the age of 12: Private lessons, ExpatKid training, group lessons and summer camps. *ProEnglish is focused on teens, students, professionals and companies. We offer private lessons to teenagers. We also offer them Teen Camp: International Summer Summer School Program. We support students and professionals through intensive English language training. Private lessons focused on a specific item or profession. We help companies with translation work of documents, brochures and websites. ProEnglish also offers training for companies. Communication training and professional English.
www.engelsvoorbengels.nl www.summercamp.nl
Binnendelta 3J
1261 WZ, Blaricum