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Holland Expat Center
Expat Desk | Expat Information Centre | Expat Support | Immigration Desk | IND Desk | International Support for Newcomers | Official Assistance for Expats | Tax Department Registration
"Official Expat Center for the South Netherlands"
IN Amsterdam (formerly Expat Center Amsterdam)
Expat Desk | Expat Information Centre | Immigration Desk | IND Desk | International Support for Newcomers | Official Assistance for Expats | Tax Department Registration | Visas
"Great service"

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" is an amazing platform for me to reach out to the expatriate community. Sally goes out of her way to promote that 'word of mouth' world. Although I haven't been on that long, a surprising number of amazing expat customers have found their way to my photo studio. Looking forward to photographing many more! Thank you!"

Expat Friendly Locals Testimonial - Susan H.
Susan H.

"Great one stop shop for looking for an expat friendly service! I have already found a plumber and a renovator and would definitely use them again. I promise to provide feedback as that part is very useful to the next person. Thank you!"

Expat Friendly Locals Testimonial - Carla L.
Carla L.

"High fives for the easy set up! Super easy to leave reviews and not complicated. I'm looking forward to seeing this service grow and the site becoming more rich with content, making it even more valuable to consumers (and businesses). Overall super congratulations on producing a solid product! It is excellent and I look forward to using it to its full potential. I will keep adding reviews!"

Expat Friendly Locals Testimonial - Cathy J.
Cathy J.

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