Overall score
9.3 /10
1 reviewsOverall score
9.3 /10
1 reviewsOveral score
9.3 /10
1 reviewsThis summer I spent 10 days in Parrita Costa Rica with Global Leadership Adventures on the Beachside Service Adventure and the experience was beyond words. Being able to challenge myself and gain skills through service, activities like ziplining and horseriding, the leadership curriculum and putting myself out of my comfort zone has been unforgettable and truly life changing as it has helped me grow as a person. For my service project I worked on painting a mural at a school called Sardinal Sur. Seeing the children's faces looking at our mural on the last day of service was so rewarding and made everything worth it. I would highly recommend this trip if you are considering going on it or any other GLA trip because the company is great and I never felt unsafe so don't be worried. natsdeleeuw | 31-01-2018