Overall score
9.8 /10
3 reviewsOverall score
9.8 /10
3 reviewsOveral score
9.8 /10
3 reviewsBeing a mac user, I received some excellent advice from the computer care service and very precious help dealing with a complicated situation with my icloud. They did not charge me anything for the export of my data and advice and just charged me with the material i bought. They are really not greedy, and honest and extremely knowledgeable. My only concern was about the deadlines and the follow up of my request but it seems they have encountered some problems with their providers. I will still definitely go back to them. Stephane | 26-08-2019
Very fast service and friendly staff Sar123 | 14-09-2017
EmilyM | 19-02-2017
Gisbrecht van Amstelstraat 64
1213 CL, Hilversum